In solidarity: Belgian and United Kingdom flags lowered to half-mast over Hammersmith Town Hall

Hammersmith Town Hall flags lowered following the abhorrent terror attacks in Brussels

The flags of Belgium and the United Kingdom were lowered to half-mast over Hammersmith Town Hall this week following the abhorrent terror attacks in Brussels on Tuesday morning.

"We send a message of heart-felt sympathy and solidarity to the family and friends of all those lost or injured and to Belgium in these sickening attacks," said Nigel Pallace, Chief Executive of Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

Police response

"The ambition of terrorists is to sow discord, sow distrust and create fear," said Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, National Police Chiefs' Council lead for counter terrorism.

"But at the heart of success in countering terrorism is the relationship between the public and the police. It needs to be stronger than ever. We have been strengthening our policing, but we can't let the terrorists defeat us by becoming fearful and withdrawing from the streets.

"Be alert, not alarmed. People should recognise that we have been talking publicly about our efforts to counter terrorism and we have seen a positive response from the public over the last year.

"It comes down to trust between communities and that ability for the public to trust the police, work with us and supply us with the sort of information that they have been doing."

The public is asked if they see or hear anything suspicious to contact the police or call the confidential anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.

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