Schools and colleges

Information about primary and secondary schools in the borough, admissions and educational grants.

Apply for a school place

School admissions

Primary school admissions

Secondary school admissions

In-year admissions


Fair Access protocol

School information

All schools contact details

School term and holiday dates

Education support services

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local offer)

Schools education projects 

Financial help

Educational grants and benefits

Help with childcare costs

Free school meals

Information for schools, teachers and practitioners

School staff zone

School governors

ACE reference manual

Primary schools that are fit for the future

Hammersmith & Fulham Council is working closely with Avonmore Primary School in West Kensington and Flora Gardens Primary School in Hammersmith to develop plans that will remove the schools’ ageing facilities and provide educational spaces that are fit for the future. See Primary schools that are fit for the future 

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